Your Giving Matters: Impact for Rainforests and Communities


Raina Chinitz

November 29, 2022

Indigenous women in a rainforest with the text on the image: What your gift can power for the forest with Rainforest Partnership logo

Between the flood of Giving Tuesday emails and end-of-year giving pleas, you may feel overwhelmed by options to donate to good causes.

When giving to an organization, you don’t often get to see the impact that comes out of it. Rainforest conservation in particular can often feel distant, amorphous, intangible, and even confusing. How does it actually work? What does each organization do, and where do your donations go?

We’d like to take the opportunity to explain the direct and tangible impact of a gift to Rainforest Partnership, and how your support immediately powers the conservation of tropical rainforests and supports local and indigenous people who live in and protect them.

Turning Your Gift Into Impact

When it comes to conservation and livelihood projects in the Amazon and Tropical Andes, every donation really does matter. For Rainforest Partnership’s projects on-the-ground in Peru and Ecuador, your donation creates real impact, whether you contribute $25, $100 or $10,000.

  • $25 can provide a family with materials for a sustainable livelihoods project, such as tools or seeds to sustainably produce coffee or cacao, that will generate income to pay for healthcare, food, education, and more.
Starter plants in two blue containers for Rainforest Partnership project.

  • $150 can cover a month of internet access in a community, helping communities connect with each other, access educational materials and training, improve their capacities to monitor their land, and lead conservation projects.

  • $1000 can buy and install a clean water system in a community, providing foundational resources that are critical to capacity building and community resilience.

  • $5000 can facilitate a biodiversity research expedition in the Amazon or Tropical Andes, with the potential to discover new species, build a baseline of knowledge about an area’s biodiversity, and inform conservation plans and policies grounded in science and data.

  • $10,000 can help a women’s organization build their own work and meeting center, (including solar panels, clean water, and internet) which will enable them to gather in community, develop their leadership and technical skills, and plan and grow their projects together.

Rainforest Partnership Herpetologist - Pablo Venegas
Rainforest Partnership Herpetologist - Pablo Venegas (photo by Eduardo Quispe)

With these examples, you can begin to imagine how your donation might contribute directly to the conservation of a place or the empowerment of its people.

And at Rainforest Partnership, our financials show how our funding is spent: overwhelmingly on our projects themselves.

This giving season, give where your gift matters.

Every dollar really does count, and with Rainforest Partnership, it goes even further. Whatever amount feels right for you can make real change on-the-ground—for forests and the people living in them.

Donate now to protect standing tropical rainforests—for our planet, for our future: